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5 Affordable DIY Weekend Projects

5 Affordable DIY Weekend Projects

The cold months of winter have a batten down the hatches feel to them, don't they? Fortunately, they're over. Now that warmer weather is here, you want to spread out, bask in the beautiful weather and finally tackle those home improvement projects you were eyeing during those colder months.

Now is the perfect time to make a big impact on your home and you can do so without spending a lot. Below are five do­-it-­yourself projects you can tackle in a single weekend, and each will still leave you enough money in your budget to enjoy everything else summer has to offer.

Freshen up your landscaping

Your home’s outdoor appearance gets a pass during the winter, but in the summer the exterior of the house is all about curb appeal. That makes improving your landscaping a great place to start your summer projects, plus the work you do can be completely customizable to your budget. If you have some extra money, plant a tree or a bush. If your budget is tighter, opt for potted flowers. Even an activity like trimming around your trees and bushes or pulling weeds can have a big impact on the look of your home and it costs you nothing.

UFP-Edge primed gable trim

An accent wall that truly accents

You’ve seen hundreds of DIY tips suggesting you add an accent wall to your home with a fresh coat of paint. However, to add a wall that accents wall that goes above and beyond, replace the paint project with Charred Wood Shiplap instead. This wood, burnt through an ancient Japanese technique to highlight its beauty and character then sealed with a satin finish, offers the perfect contrast to any room for an accent you'll relish every time you see it.

Modern family kitchen and dining room with UFP-Edge natural charred wood accent wall 


Update your bathroom on your terms

A full bathroom remodel is hardly DIY and you’re certainly not finishing it in one weekend. However, that doesn’t mean this room is completely off limits when it comes to improvements. Instead, pick the project that matches your needs and your budget. Large­-scale improvements could include replacing your outdated sink or toilet. You could go smaller and simply replace the hardware on the sink. This is also a great time to look at the smaller aspects of your bathroom and see if you want to replace your medicine chest, your towel rack or the handles on your cabinets.

Timeless nickel gap shiplap is a great product to give a modern splash to most bathroom.

UFP-Edge white Rustic Collection shiplap bathroom

The perfect wrap for your kitchen or bar

The kitchen is a focal point in any home so improvements made here tend to stand out. If you’re looking to improve your kitchen with an incredibly popular country look, you can add your island to the motif with a rustic wrap.

Our Rustic Collection
is new lumber that has been distressed to provide that worn country charm. Rustic wood is available in shiplap siding and trim boards that allow you to create a wood project that supports your style in any size and any location. Start with a wrap for your kitchen or bar and see where your creativity takes you.

UFP-Edge dark brown rustic collection shiplap kitchen island wrap

Rethink your window treatments

A full­-scale replacement of your window treatments can be pretty expensive. However, like your bathroom, you also have plenty of freedom to pick and choose your options here as well. If a favorite room feels too dark, replace the existing curtains with something light and airy. If you want the room to feel darker, install room darkening shades. Spend your money and your time on the rooms that matter most to you and you won’t be disappointed.

Living room curtains

Warm weather months is the perfect time to make your home everything you want it to be, so invest your 
time in a little DIY. You, your home and your budget will all be better for it. What are some other easy weekend projects you have done to update your home? Let us know in the comments below.

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