A Guide to Understanding Common Wood Siding Patterns
Posted 1/29/2021 by Amanda Hall
This home exterior features a drop siding pattern.
Understanding common wood siding differences to help obtain the look you want to achieve.
Each board profile delivers a distinct look and feel to homes. Some patterns are suitable for the exterior, while others are better suited for interiors, or both. Certain profiles require fewer fasteners, while others are great for water drainage.
This overview aims to offer valuable insight into the variety of board profiles available and their typical usage.
Download our pattern profile brochure for more information.
This cabin-style home features Log-to-Log Siding on both the interior and exterior.
Common Exterior Siding Patterns
These patterns below are most commonly used for exterior siding.
Drop Siding (#105)
Drop siding, also known as Dutch Lap, German Lap, or Cove Siding, is known for its distinct concave reveal.
Thick Butt Rabbeted Bevel Siding
Also known as Dolly Varden, this popular siding has a thick rabbeted edge on one side that overlaps a thinner edge. The rabbeted edge on the thick butt side of the board allows boards to line up snug for an easy installation with no gaps.
Channel Rustic Siding
Channel Rustic or Channel Lap siding is known for its rough sawn texture. It is ideal for a rugged mountain home look.
Log-to-Log Siding
Log-to-Log Siding will give your home the natural, attractive charm of a log home without the need for special frame construction.
This outdoor covered porch features a beaded ceiling pattern.
Common Patterns for Both Interiors and Exteriors
These patterns below are most common on interior walls and ceilings and exterior soffit and covered porches.
Nickel Gap Shiplap
Nickel gap shiplap is most common on interior accent walls and ceilings, but it didn't start as an interior application.
Read: The True History of Shiplap, Before Chip and Joanna
Beaded Ceiling
Beaded ceiling boards are crafted into a tongue-and-groove profile and milled with a center “bead” or semicircular ridge that runs down the face of each board. Beaded ceiling boards are popular on interior ceilings, covered porch ceilings, and as wainscoting.
T&G Butt Joint
Tongue and groove butt joint boards are commonly used on walls and ceilings in an interior and on exterior soffit and covered ceilings. Boards will show little to no gap.
WP4 boards will show a v-groove reveal. Common applications are in the interior of the home, but also used as exterior siding and soffit.
The WP-18 is most distinguished by the middle groove running down the face of the board. It is most common on interior ceilings.
This accent wall features our prepainted Timeless Farmhouse White nickel gap shiplap.
Premium Profile Patterns
To create each of these patterns, we start with the highest-grade lumber available, free of wane and with only small, tight knots that highlight the warm characteristics of natural wood. Then we shape and mould it using processes that protect the integrity of the wood and of the finished piece, including kiln drying to minimize swelling, warping and shrinkage.
We also grind our knives meticulously (and often) for near-perfect profiles without whiskers or other defects. This attention to detail adds up to the finest siding, pattern and trim offering on the market today.
• All patterns manufactured to industry standards
• Lumber has small, tight knots and beautiful grain for best appearance • Kiln Dried After Treatment (KDAT) option
• Can be treated to meet application requirements
• Color treatment available for select items and regions
• Custom pattern options
Looking for more information on patterns? Check out our pattern profile brochure.